Founder's Story

Our story began with the simple dream of building something together. We wanted to create a space where people could gather and feel right at home. Of course, our first thought was coffee. Coffee has always been a vessel for bringing people together, whether it’s catching up with old friends, meeting colleagues or participating in community events. So, we set out to open a coffee shop that would provide a space for customers to take a break and enjoy a tasty cup of coffee.
We were immediately met with our fair share of challenges in getting our business off the ground. We were putting in the work, day in and day out, but experienced more setbacks than we were prepared for. We learned that there is no straight line to success and that timing is key. Our timing was wrong for a while, but with the support of our families, and friends we made along the way, we were able to persevere.
Our journey to success started in the small town of Longmont, Colorado, where we laid down our roots and the community met us with open arms. We hustled every single day to ensure we stayed afloat and began to grow our business one authentic relationship at a time. From greeting customers and making their coffee to mopping the floors and doing inventory, we learned this business backwards and forwards. Working together every single day towards our dream was always worth it, it made us better owners, better bosses and most of all, better people.

Once our first café was established as a staple in the community, we were reenergized to keep chasing our dreams of creating gathering spaces and bring the feeling of home to our customers on-the-go. This led us to evolve our business into a drive-thru model. As we entered this new venture, our commitment to providing our customers with a reliable experience was strengthened.
Once we got started, we just couldn’t stop. We knew we had something special and wanted to share it with our community. There came a time when it felt right to give others the opportunity to change their lives through Ziggi’s, this is what began our Ziggi’s Franchise Program. It is humbling to look back at where it all started as we continue to grow our Ziggi’s Fam.
It is hard work, challenging and messy at times, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Good coffee and good people will always be the priority, it will always be the reason we are here, together.